

Midjourney:使用摄影prompt,AI 红外摄影,探索影像的奇境

提示共享(prompt to share)


[variable],infrared photography,highly detailed --ar 1060:909 --style raw

[变量],红外拍照,十分具体 –宽高比 1060:909 –原始风格

Midjourney:使用摄影prompt,AI 红外摄影,探索影像的奇境

提示词举例(prompt for example)

beach, blue sky, white clouds, infrared photography(海滩,蓝天,白云,红外拍照)

Sea water reflective beach, blue sky with cumulus clouds, infrared photography(海水反光海滩,蓝天积云,红外线拍照)

Forest canopy, green leaves, infrared photography(森林树冠,绿叶,红外线拍照)

Desert dunes, blue sky, infrared photography(沙漠沙丘,蓝天,红外线拍照)

Snowy mountain, white trees, infrared photography(雪山,白树,红外线拍照)

River, green vegetation, rocks, infrared photography(河流,绿色植被,岩石,红外线拍照)

Cityscape, buildings, infrared photography(城市风景,楼宇,红外线拍照)

Grassy field, wildflowers, infrared photography(草地,野花,红外线拍照)

图片示例(Image example)

Midjourney:使用摄影prompt,AI 红外摄影,探索影像的奇境

Sea water reflective beach, blue sky with cumulus clouds, infrared photography,highly detailed --ar 1060:909 --style raw

海水反射海滩,蓝天上有积云,红外拍照,十分具体 –ar 1060:909 –风格原始

Midjourney:使用摄影prompt,AI 红外摄影,探索影像的奇境

infrared desert,highly detailed --ar 1060:909 --style raw

红外沙漠,高度详尽 –ar1060:909 –风格原始

Midjourney:使用摄影prompt,AI 红外摄影,探索影像的奇境

Tranquil forest and beautiful reflective lake, infrared photography,highly detailed --ar 1060:909 --style raw

宁静的森林和美丽的反射湖,红外拍照,高度详尽 –ar 1060:909 –风格原始

Midjourney:使用摄影prompt,AI 红外摄影,探索影像的奇境

Chinese rural house, sudden lightning storm in the northwest, blue sky in the southeast at sunset, infrared photography,highly detailed --ar 1060:909 --style raw

中国农村的房子,西北部突然有闪电风暴,日落时东南部的蓝天,红外拍照,十分具体 –ar 1060:909 –风格原始

Midjourney:使用摄影prompt,AI 红外摄影,探索影像的奇境

Beach with reflecting water and blue sky with cumulus clouds, infrared photography,highly detailed --ar 1060:909 --style raw

海滩上有反射的水,蓝天上有积云,红外拍照,十分具体 –ar 1060:909 –风格原始

Midjourney:使用摄影prompt,AI 红外摄影,探索影像的奇境

Paper sculpture of intricate cityscape, dark paper, nighttime shot, red lighting, inflared photography,highly detailed --ar 1060:909 --style raw

杂乱城市景观的纸雕,深色纸张,夜间拍照,赤色灯火,五颜六色拍照,高度详尽 –ar 1060:909 –风格原始

Midjourney:使用摄影prompt,AI 红外摄影,探索影像的奇境

Aerial perspective view, beach with reflecting water and blue sky with cumulus clouds, infrared photography,highly detailed --ar 1060:909 --style raw

空中透视图,海滩有倒影,蓝天有积云,红外拍照,十分具体–ar 1060:909–风格原始

主图词延伸(Subject word extension)

Hot air balloons, morning mist, valley(热气球,清晨薄雾,山谷)

Windmill, tulip fields, blue sky(风车,郁金香田,蓝天)

Pagoda, bamboo forest, mountains(浮屠,竹林,群山)

Pyramids, camels, desert(金字塔,骆驼,沙漠)

Vineyard, grapes, autumn colors(葡萄园,葡萄,秋日色彩)

Aurora, night sky, trees(极光,夜空,树木)

Ice cave, stalactites, reflection(冰窟,钟乳石,倒影)

Meadow, wildflowers, bee(草地,野花,蜜蜂)

Ancient ruins, jungle, overgrowth(古遗址,森林,生长茂盛)

Dock, fishing boats, seagulls(码头,渔船,海鸥)

Mountain lake, pine trees, log cabin(山湖,松树,原木小屋)

Covered bridge, stream, fall foliage(有顶桥,小溪,秋叶)

Stonehenge, rolling hills, sheep(巨石阵,崎岖的小山,绵羊)

Gondola, Venice canals, old buildings(贡多拉船,威尼斯运河,陈旧的修建)

Sunrise, golden sun, ocean horizon(日出,金色太阳,海平面)

Full moon, night sky, stars(满月,夜空,星星)

Waterfall, lush forest, mist(瀑布,郁密的森林,薄雾)

Rolling hills, winding road, lone tree(崎岖的丘陵,弯曲的道路,孑立的树木)

Sandy desert, camel, oasis(沙漠,骆驼,绿洲)

Snowcapped mountains, climber, icy glacier(积雪掩盖的山峰,登山者,冰川)

Storm clouds, lightning, heavy rain(暴风云,闪电,倾盆大雨)

Wheat field, farmhouse, sunset(麦田,农舍,日落)

Castle, moat, drawbridge(城堡,护城河,吊桥)

Lighthouse, rocky coast, crashing waves(灯塔,岩石海岸,拍打的海浪)