
「 作用展现 」

提示词 目标字样 原图 生成作用
This stunning image captures the beauty and innocence of youth, with vibrant colors and a serene seaside setting. High-definition photo of a breathtaking moment, perfect for any project that aims to evoke a sense of joy and tranquility.
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

「 预备工作 」

  1. 开发环境 – 基于 Linux

  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • CUDA 11.4

  • python 3.8

  • torch 1.11.0+cu113

  • Nvidia Tesla V100

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

  1. 图片素材

预备一张自定义尺寸字体图片,工具任选,比如美图秀秀、PS、Word、PPTX 均可,留意字体需要黑底白字,预先排好字体位置,字体最好免费可商用。

这儿用的在线美图秀秀,字体 GreatVikes,分辨率 512*512。

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

  1. 代码模型

StableDiffusion ControlNet
代码 AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet
模型 beautifulRealistic_v60.safetensors control_v1p_sd15_brightness.safetensors

SD 模型这儿用的 Beautiful Realistic Asians,可根据个人需求挑选,下载模型请移步大名鼎鼎的 C 站 civitai.com。


AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

「 环境部署 」

  1. StableDiffusion

代码: AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui

模型: beautifulRealistic_v60.safetensors

将下载好的 SD 模型放入 stable-diffusion-webui/models/Stable-diffusion 目录下即可


# 代码下载
git clone https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui.git
# 一键装置

翻开 WebUI

网页输入,即可翻开 webUI 界面

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

  1. ControlNet

代码: Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet

模型: control_v1p_sd15_brightness.safetensors

将下载好的 ControlNet 模型放入/stable-diffusion-webui/models/ControlNet 即可。


翻开 WebUI 后,进入 Extensions -> Install from URL,输入 ControlNet 上面的代码链接,点击 Install 即可,装置好后重启 WebUI。

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

装置好后,即可看到 /stable-diffusion-webui/extensions 中多了 sd-webui-controlnet

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

「 图片生成 」

  1. 示例 1

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字


Highest quality, ultra-high definition, masterpieces, 8k quality, 1girl, very delicate features, very detailed eyes and mouth, long hair, curly hair, delicate skin, big eyes, white sweater, necklace, street, Sunshine, standing on the beach with a backdrop of blue skies and ocean waves. This stunning image captures the beauty and innocence of youth, with vibrant colors and a serene seaside setting. High-definition photo of a breathtaking moment, perfect for any project that aims to evoke a sense of joy and tranquility.
Negative prompt: blurry, low quality, pixelated, (unattractive), (grimy), (old woman), (dark), (out of focus), (unclear), (dirty), ((extra arm)), ((extra leg)), ((extra nose)), ((extra mouth)), (out of frame), (bad composition), (too bright), (too dark), ((extra flowers)), ((extra hand)), (poor lighting), (bad color grading), (red-eyed), (morphed face), (unnatural posture), (awkward pose), (frozen animation), (poorly photoshopped), (low-res), (bad framing), (insipid)



  • checkpoint: beautifulRealistic_v60.safetensors

  • Sampling method: DPM++ SDE Karras

  • Sampling Steps: 30


  • Enable

  • Control Type: All

  • Model: control_v1p_sd15_brightness.safetensors

  • Control Weight: 0.4

  • Ending Control Step: 0.6

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

  1. 示例 2

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字


Highest quality, ultra-high definition, masterpieces, 8k quality, A man wearing a black jacket and jeans, very delicate features, very detailed eyes and mouth, with a black hat and sunglasses, holding a cigarette in his right hand and his left hand in his pocket, standing on the beach with blue skies and sea waves in the background. High-quality photo of a rugged man enjoying a smoke break by the sea, capturing the sense of freedom and relaxation. Shot in high definition, this image is perfect for any project that requires a cool and laid-back vibe.
Negative prompt: blurred, low quality, pixelated, (unattractive), (grimy), (old man), (dark), (out of focus), (unclear), (dirty), ((extra arm)), ((extra leg)), ((extra nose)), ((extra mouth)), (out of frame), (bad composition), (too bright), (too dark), ((extra cigarette)), ((extra hand)), (poor lighting), (bad color grading), (red-eyed), (morphed face), (unnatural posture), (awkward pose), (frozen animation), (poorly photoshopped), (low-res), (bad framing), (insipid)



  • checkpoint: beautifulRealistic_v60.safetensors

  • Sampling method: DPM++ SDE Karras

  • Sampling Steps: 30


  • Enable

  • Control Type: All

  • Model: control_v1p_sd15_brightness.safetensors

  • Control Weight: 0.4

  • Ending Control Step: 0.6

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

  1. 一些小 Tips

  • 正反提示词:复制 prompt 到第一格空格后,直接点击右侧蓝色小箭头,即可自动拆分正反提示词;

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

  • Control Weight:使用 ControlNet 权重,主张 0.4-0.7,参数越大,自定义的图片越显着;
Control Weight 0.4 0.6 0.8
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字
  • Ending Control Step:ControlNet 停止介入的机遇,主张 0.55-0.75。
Ending Control Step 0.4 0.6 0.9
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字
AGI 早早聊教程:10 分钟搞定 Stable Diffusion 光线艺术字

「 过错集锦 」

  1. 履行 webui.sh 会装置虚拟环境,若报 No module named ‘importlib.metadata’ ,是因为体系不支持 python3.7,将 webui.sh 47 行改成 python3.8 或许 3.10 即可
# webui.sh 47行
# python3 executable
if [[ -z "${python_cmd}" ]]
  1. 若前面修正为 python3.8,会导致 network.py 不支持 Network | None 用法,需载入 Union,且修正 103 行
# network.py的103行
from typing import Union
class ModuleType:
    def create_module(self, net: Network, weights: NetworkWeights) -> Union[Network, None]:#Network | None:
        return None
  1. 虚拟环境默认装置 torch2.0,修正 launch_utils.py 的 273 行,以装置与 cuda 配套的指定版本,体系默认装置 torch 2.0.0,我本地为 cuda11.4,所以这儿装置 torch==1.11.0+cu113
# launch_utils.py的273行
torch_command = os.environ.get('TORCH_COMMAND', f"pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0+cu113 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113/torch_stable.html")
  1. OSError: libtorch_cuda_cpp.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory,留意 torch 版本

  2. 若报下面这一坨问题,大概率是 ControlNet 模型不匹配问题


ERROR: ControlNet cannot find model config [/XXX/models/ControlNet/diffusion_pytorch_model.yaml]
ERROR: ControlNet will use a WRONG config to load your model. 
ERROR: The WRONG config may not match your model. The generated results can be bad. 
ERROR: You are using a ControlNet model [diffusion_pytorch_model] without correct YAML config file. 
ERROR: The performance of this model may be worse than your expectation. 
ERROR: If this model cannot get good results, the reason is that you do not have a YAML file for the model. 
Hint: You can take a look at [/XXX/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/models] to find many existing YAML files.
*** Error running process: /XXX/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/scripts/controlnet.py
    Traceback (most recent call last):
        raise RuntimeError('Error(s) in loading state_dict for {}:\n\t{}'.format(
    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for ControlNet:
        Missing key(s) in state_dict: "time_embed.0.weight", "time_embed.0.bias", "time_embed.2.weight",