2.5 调度器的完成

2.5.1 概观


  • 需要考虑的问题:
    • 进程有不同优先级
    • 进程不能切换得太频繁,因为有进程上下文切换开支
    • 两个相邻任务切换之间,切换时刻不能太长
  • 概念
    • 不公正程度:实质与进程等候时刻有关。假如CPU经常挑选最高等候时刻的进程,不公正情况缓解,会均匀分布到体系的一切进程
    • 安排妥当行列:办理活动进程的数据结构。彻底公正调度器运用红黑树结构


  • 经典调度算法:对进程核算时刻片。若一切进程时刻片竭尽则从头核算
  • 彻底公正调度:只考虑进程在安排妥当行列的等候时刻,对CPU时刻需求最严厉的进程被调度履行(不需要传统的时刻片)
    • 数据结构:一切可运转进程按时刻在红黑树中排序,等候CPU时刻最长的进程是最左边的项,下一次调度该进程
    • 虚拟时钟:判断等候进程将取得多少CPU时刻。要比实际时钟慢(假设安排妥当行列有4进程,虚拟时钟将以1/4速度运转)。
      • fair_clock:安排妥当行列的虚拟时刻
      • wait_runtime:进程的等候时刻(也能够理解为不公正程度)
      • fair_clock-wait_runtime:进程的虚拟运转时刻,用于红黑树排序

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2.5.2 数据结构


1. task_struct成员

struct task_struct {
    int static_prio;            //静态优先级
    int prio, normal_prio;      //动态优先级
    unsigned int rt_priority;   //实时进程的优先级,不同于nice值
    const struct sched_class *sched_class;    //进程所属的调度器类
    struct sched_entity se;     //可调度实体,调度器依据实体操作各个task_struct
    unsigned int policy;        //进程的调度策略
    cpumask_t cpus_allowed;     //限制进程能够在哪些CPU上运转
    struct list_head run_list;  //用于循环实时调度器,维护包含个进程的运转表
    unsigned int time_slice;    //用于循环实时调度器,可运用CPU的剩下时刻段
  • 静态优先级:进程启动时分配的优先级,一般进程运转期间坚持恒定(能够用nicesched_setscheduler修正)
  • 动态优先级:依据静态优先级和调度策略核算出的优先级,供调度器调度
  • 进程的调度策略
    • SCHED_NORMAL:用于一般进程,经过彻底公正调度器(CFS)处理
    • SCHED_BATCH:用于非交互、CPU运用密布的批处理进程,经过CFS处理
    • SCHED_IDLE:用于相对权重最小的进程,经过CFS处理(注意:SCHED_IDLE不负责调度闲暇进程,闲暇进程由内核供给单独机制处理)
    • SCHED_RR:用于软实时进程,轮询调度,经过实时调度器类处理
    • SCHED_FIFO:用于软实时进程,先进先出调度,经过实时调度器类处理

2. 调度器类:理解为调度器基类

struct sched_class {
    void (*enqueue_task) (struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int wakeup);
    void (*dequeue_task) (struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int sleep);
    void (*yield_task) (struct rq *rq);
    void (*check_preempt_curr) (struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p);
    struct task_struct * (*pick_next_task) (struct rq *rq);
    void (*put_prev_task) (struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p);
    void (*set_curr_task) (struct rq *rq);
    void (*task_tick) (struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p);
    void (*task_new) (struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p);
  • 调度器类处理次序:调度器之间层次结构是平整的,优先级:实时进程>彻底公正进程>闲暇进程(CPU无事可做处于活动状况)

3. 安排妥当行列

  • 安排妥当行列:办理活动进程的数据结构,各个活动进程只能出现在一个安排妥当行列中
    • 体系的一切安排妥当行列坐落runqueues数组中,每个元素对应体系的一个CPU。单处理器体系只有一个安排妥当行列
  • 行列负荷:与行列上当时活动进程的数目成正比,其中的各个进程又有优先级作为权重。影响安排妥当行列的虚拟时钟速度
struct rq {
	unsigned long nr_running;        //可运转进程数目
	#define CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX 5
	unsigned long cpu_load[CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX];    //用于盯梢此前的负荷衡量
	/* capture load from *all* tasks on this cpu: */
	struct load_weight load;         //行列负荷
	struct cfs_rq cfs;               //子安排妥当行列,用于彻底公正调度器
	struct rt_rq rt;                 //子安排妥当行列,用于彻底公正调度器
	struct task_struct *curr, *idle; //当时运转进程、闲暇进程的task_struct
	u64 clock, prev_clock_raw;       //用于完成安排妥当行列本身的时钟

4. 调度实体

  • sched_entity:调度器调度的是调度实体,不是进程(进程是实体的特例
    • 每个task_struct有嵌入sched_entity的实例
struct sched_entity {
    struct load_weight    load;      //指定权重,实体占行列总负荷的比例
    struct rb_node        run_node;  //规范的数结点,使得实体能够在红黑树上排序
    unsigned int          on_rq;     //当时实体是否在被调度
    u64    exec_start;               //实体开端运转的时刻
    u64    sum_exec_runtime;         //实体运转的时刻
    u64    vruntime;                 //虚拟时钟上流逝的时刻数量
    u64    prev_sum_exec_runtime;    //实体被吊销CPU时,prev_sum_exec_runtime保存sum_exec_runtime值

2.5.3 处理优先级


  • prio:调度器终究运用的优先级,规模0 ~ 139,值越低优先级越高
    • 0 ~ 99:供实时进程运用
    • 100 ~ 139:代表一般进程的nice值,对应-20 ~ +19

【深入Linux内核架构笔记】第二章 进程调度(1)

  • priostatic_prionormal_prio互相相关得到
  • 调度进口:set_user_nicewake_up_new_task,经过一行指令
p->prio = effective_prio(p);
static int effective_prio(struct task_struct *p) {
	p->normal_prio = normal_prio(p);
	if (!rt_prio(p->prio))
		return p->normal_prio;
	return p->prio;


  • static_prio:静态优先级不会随时刻改动,内核不会自动修正它。用户空间经过nice指令设置,规模是-20 ~ +19
  • 内核为了转换nicestatic_prio,界说宏(其实就是规模映射,图2-14)
#define NICE_TO_PRIO(nice)	(MAX_RT_PRIO + (nice) + 20)
#define PRIO_TO_NICE(prio)	((prio) - MAX_RT_PRIO - 20)
#define TASK_NICE(p)		PRIO_TO_NICE((p)->static_prio)
/* 其中 */
#define MAX_USER_RT_PRIO	100
#define MAX_PRIO		(MAX_RT_PRIO + 40)
#define DEFAULT_PRIO		(MAX_RT_PRIO + 20)
  • 注意:在fork出子进程时,子进程的静态优先级承继自父进程


  • 从代码能够看出,假如是实时进程,与rt_priority有关;假如是一般进程,与static_prio共同
static inline int normal_prio(struct task_struct *p) {
	int prio;
	if (task_has_rt_policy(p))                      //假如是实时进程
		prio = MAX_RT_PRIO-1 - p->rt_priority;  //prio = 99 - rt_priority
	else                                            //假如是一般进程
		prio = __normal_prio(p);                //prio = static_prio
	return prio;
static inline int __normal_prio(struct task_struct *p) {
	return p->static_prio;


  • rt_priority:表明实时进程的优先级,规模0 ~ 99,值越大优先级越高(不同于静态优先级!)
prio = MAX_RT_PRIO-1 - p->rt_priority;    //prio = 99 - rt_priority


【深入Linux内核架构笔记】第二章 进程调度(1)


  • 负荷权重:进程的重要性除了与优先级外,还与负荷权重有关
struct load_weight {
	unsigned long weight;      //负荷权重
        unsigned long inv_weight;  //负荷权重倒数,2^32/weight
static const int prio_to_weight[40] = {
 /* -20 */     88761,     71755,     56483,     46273,     36291,
 /* -15 */     29154,     23254,     18705,     14949,     11916,
 /* -10 */      9548,      7620,      6100,      4904,      3906,
 /*  -5 */      3121,      2501,      1991,      1586,      1277,
 /*   0 */      1024,       820,       655,       526,       423,
 /*   5 */       335,       272,       215,       172,       137,
 /*  10 */       110,        87,        70,        56,        45,
 /*  15 */        36,        29,        23,        18,        15,
  • 因子是怎么核算的?
    • 每升高一个nice,则多取得10%的CPU时刻
    • 假设有两个进程,进程A的nice=0,进程B的nice=1
      • 进程A得到:1024/(1024+820)=55%的CPU比例
      • 进程B得到:820/(1024+820)=45%的CPU比例 -> 产生了10%的差额
// 核算负荷权重
static void set_load_weight(struct task_struct *p) {
        // 实时进程的负荷权重是一般仅的2倍(本书是2.6.24内核,后续内核规矩有变)
	if (task_has_rt_policy(p)) {
		p->se.load.weight = prio_to_weight[0] * 2;     //nice=-20的权重*2
		p->se.load.inv_weight = prio_to_wmult[0] >> 1;
	// SCHED_IDLE进程得到的权重最少
	if (p->policy == SCHED_IDLE) {
		p->se.load.weight = WEIGHT_IDLEPRIO;       //2
		p->se.load.inv_weight = WMULT_IDLEPRIO;    //1<<31
        // 依据因子表,将静态优先级转为负荷权重
	p->se.load.weight = prio_to_weight[p->static_prio - MAX_RT_PRIO];
	p->se.load.inv_weight = prio_to_wmult[p->static_prio - MAX_RT_PRIO];

2.5.4 核心调度器

1. 周期性调度器scheduler_tick():内核按照频率HZ自动调用该函数

void scheduler_tick(void) {
	int cpu = smp_processor_id();
	struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
	struct task_struct *curr = rq->curr;
	u64 next_tick = rq->tick_timestamp + TICK_NSEC;
        // 1. 处理安排妥当行列时钟更新
        __update_rq_clock(rq);    //添加当时rq的时刻戳rq->clock
	update_cpu_load(rq);     bbbb //更新rq->cpu_load[]
        // 2. 运用调度器调度
	if (curr != rq->idle) /* FIXME: needed? */
		curr->sched_class->task_tick(rq, curr);
  • 上面代码片段中,update_cpu_load比较有意思,运用一些取平均值的技巧来更新CPU负载的。cpu_load分为5个等级,保证负荷数组不会出现太多不连续跳变:第0级负荷数组改变速度最快,第5级负荷数组改变速度较慢。举个比如:
当时CPU负荷 0 10 10 10 10 10 10
cpu_load[0] 0 10 10 10 10 10 10
cpu_load[1] 0 5 8 9 10 10 10
cpu_load[2] 0 3 5 7 8 9 10
 * Update rq->cpu_load[] statistics. This function is usually called every
 * scheduler tick (TICK_NSEC).
static void update_cpu_load(struct rq *this_rq) {
	unsigned long this_load = this_rq->load.weight;
	int i, scale;
	/* Update our load: */
	for (i = 0, scale = 1; i < CPU_LOAD_IDX_MAX; i++, scale += scale) {
		unsigned long old_load, new_load;
		/* scale is effectively 1 << i now, and >> i divides by scale */
		old_load = this_rq->cpu_load[i];
		new_load = this_load;
		 * Round up the averaging division if load is increasing. This
		 * prevents us from getting stuck on 9 if the load is 10, for
		 * example.
		if (new_load > old_load)
			new_load += scale-1;
		this_rq->cpu_load[i] = (old_load*(scale-1) + new_load) >> i;

2. 主调度器schedule():CPU自动分配给另一进程

 * schedule() is the main scheduler function.
asmlinkage void __sched schedule(void)
	cpu = smp_processor_id();
	rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
	prev = rq->curr;               //prev指向当时进程
	__update_rq_clock(rq);         //更新安排妥当行列时钟
	clear_tsk_need_resched(prev);  //铲除冲调度标志TIF_NEED_RESCHED
	if (prev->state && !(preempt_count() & PREEMPT_ACTIVE)) {
		if (unlikely((prev->state & TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) &&
				unlikely(signal_pending(prev)))) {
			prev->state = TASK_RUNNING;
		} else {
			deactivate_task(rq, prev, 1);
		switch_count = &prev->nvcsw;
	prev->sched_class->put_prev_task(rq, prev);
	next = pick_next_task(rq, prev);
	sched_info_switch(prev, next);
	if (likely(prev != next)) {
		rq->curr = next;
		context_switch(rq, prev, next); //上下文切换
	if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_NEED_RESCHED)))
		goto need_resched;

3. 与fork的交互schedule_fork():运用fork体系调用时,子进程调度实体数据结构、确定进程的动态优先级

void sched_fork(struct task_struct *p, int clone_flags)
	int cpu = get_cpu();
	p->prio = current->normal_prio;
	if (!rt_prio(p->prio))
		p->sched_class = &fair_sched_class;

4. 上下文切换context_switch():其核心是switch_mm()switch_to()

 * context_switch - switch to the new MM and the new
 * thread's register state.
static inline void
context_switch(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *prev,
	       struct task_struct *next)
	struct mm_struct *mm, *oldmm;
	prepare_task_switch(rq, prev, next);
	mm = next->mm;
	oldmm = prev->active_mm;
	if (unlikely(!mm)) {
		next->active_mm = oldmm;
		enter_lazy_tlb(oldmm, next);
	} else {
		switch_mm(oldmm, mm, next);
        //假如当时进程是内核线程(prev->mm == NULL),断开与借用的地址空间的联络
	if (unlikely(!prev->mm)) {
		prev->active_mm = NULL;
		rq->prev_mm = oldmm;
	switch_to(prev, next, prev);
	finish_task_switch(this_rq(), prev);

5. switch_to

  • 切换寄存器和内核栈,一般运用汇编语言完成
 * Saving eflags is important. It switches not only IOPL between tasks,
 * it also protects other tasks from NT leaking through sysenter etc.
#define switch_to(prev,next,last) do {					\
	unsigned long esi,edi;						\
	asm volatile("pushfl\n\t"		/* Save flags */	\
		     "pushl %%ebp\n\t"					\
		     "movl %%esp,%0\n\t"	/* save ESP */		\
		     "movl %5,%%esp\n\t"	/* restore ESP */	\
		     "movl $1f,%1\n\t"		/* save EIP */		\
		     "pushl %6\n\t"		/* restore EIP */	\
		     "jmp __switch_to\n"				\
		     "1:\t"						\
		     "popl %%ebp\n\t"					\
		     "popfl"						\
		     :"=m" (prev->thread.esp),"=m" (prev->thread.eip),	\
		      "=a" (last),"=S" (esi),"=D" (edi)			\
		     :"m" (next->thread.esp),"m" (next->thread.eip),	\
		      "2" (prev), "d" (next));				\
} while (0)


	pushfl                          //保存eflags
	pushl %ebp                      //保存栈底指针EBP
	movl %esp, %prev->thread.esp    //保存栈顶指针ESP
	movl %next->thread.esp, %esp    //加载新进程ESP
	movl $1f, %prev->thread.eip     //保存旧进程EIP为标号1的位置,后续切换后从1履行
	pushl %next->thread.eip         //加载新进程EIP
	jmp __switch_to                 //完成硬件的上下文切换
1:	popl %ebp                       //康复新进程栈底指针EBP
	popfl                           //康复新进程eflags

【补白】switch_to函数有个有意思的点,是传了3个实参:prev, next, last。为什么要传last?

  • 书中比如:三个进程轮转调度会出现问题
    • 进程A->进程B:switch_to后,内核栈A记载prev=A,next=B
    • 进程B->进程C:switch_to后,内核栈B记载prev=B,next=C
    • 进程C->进程A:switch_to后,内核栈C记载prev=C,next=A;内核栈A记载prev=A,next=B。此时康复内核栈A,内核为了直到进程A前运转的是进程C,加入了last
  • 其实质是:prev作为宏传入,switch_to前后prev因为内核栈重载发生改动,所以引进last变量来得到prev的值,用于finish_task_switch的整理工作

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